Thursday, April 16, 2009

In the works...

I've got several projects in the works, as is not unusual, but it seems unlikely that I'll finish them anytime soon, what with school, work, and what I like to call a social life. Nonetheless, just a quick glimpse into projects I may publish in the next few months:

Twist: a homebrew post-apocalyptic Earth setting in which the race has been ravaged by a genetically engineered virus and nuclear war. I will most likely only publish a Player's Handbook-style document, withholding the GM secrets on the off-chance I'm ever able to publish it properly.

Wisp: the latest in a long series of original fantasy worlds, in which I finally have room for all of my original races, arcane backgrounds, and various edges, hindrances, and other additives. Hopefully it won't end up too crowded! This is another that will probably get the Player's Handbook treatment as I would like to see it published properly.

Random Star System Generator: not particularly scientific, but it allows for quickly rolling up diverse star systems. I put it together for personal use in a brief pulp space campaign that never really took off.

Um...maybe I'll mention a few other projects later when I get home. I know there are some other things I haven't finished saved to my hard drive, but I'm drawing a blank right now.