Saturday, September 19, 2009


Well, I haven't ever bothered announcing the existence of this setting before, largely because it's a collection of various ideas that I've been kicking around for a long time with no real definition or structure. It's taken me a while to really figure out how I wanted to approach this setting, and I think I've finally got it figured out, at least the beginning of it, and everything flows from there.

Without further ado, anyone with enough free time (or enough boredom) to be checking this blog (not to exclude those here by chance), may now experience a brief introduction to AFTERLIFE.

Coming soon will be Spotlights from the Guided Tour, Introductions to Major Players, as well as previews of Edges, Hindrances, and Powers original to the setting. As work continues, and I make more information available, I'd appreciate any feedback that passers-by may have to offer. Nothing is ever done perfectly the first time, after all!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Arcane Background: Ibuholi

This is a new magic variant I've designed for use in my WISP Campaign Setting (publishing date: TBA). Developed by the ship-board magicians of the Hundred Isles to more effectively combat the highly predictable dangers they face (weather, Wisps, sea monsters, and pirates), it is not dissimilar in some ways to the Wizard class from D&D.

New Arcane Skill:
Charming- The skill used by Ibuholi practitioners to prepare their spells. Using bits of rope, string, carved pieces of wood, or whatever materials are most ready to hand, Ibuholi wizards create magical charms which can be activated simply by tossing them into the air and uttering the correct magical words. Each Power Point used to create a Charm adds 10 minutes of creation time, and inflicts a -1 penalty on the Charming roll.

New Background Edge:
Arcane Background (Ibuholi): Novice
The art of Ibuholi, which translates roughly from the language of the Hundred Isles to mean "Tying" or "Charming," has become fairly widespread throughout the islands, and is even taking root along the East Coast of Arbor. Ibuholi wizards start play with 15 Power Points and 4 Powers known.
They must prepare their powers in advance by spending Power Points to create Charms, which can be activated with a normal Action as per the Charming skill. Charms cost the same number of Power Points to create as the spells they are imbued with, including the cost for an optional spell modifications (such as additional Bolts). If the Charming roll fails, the Points spent are lost for the day.
When a wizard uses a Charm to cast a spell, the Charm and Power Points are consumed, and the Power activates automatically - no additional roll is required. Power Points expended in this way are returned to the caster at sunrise the next day. Any Charms left over may be preserved or destroyed, as the caster chooses, but Ibuholi users cannot possess Charms containing more Power Points than their maximum.